What is Hyper Converge Infrastructure?
If you’re looking for the ability to manage everything– physical, virtual and cross-platform–and fully adapt cloud computing to your unique business needs, Proxmox VE has more choices, better value and costs less to deploy and use.Features and Benefits
Easy User Interface
Manage nodes, virtual machines, storage, users, firewall
Multiple Storage
Open Source
KVM Hypervisor and LXC Containers.
Integrated Firewall
Built in firewall to protect each host, virtual machine or the entire network.
Distributed GUI
Does not require a dedicated management server.
Simple backup/restore
Integrated snapshot service.
Enterprise Infrastructure Design
An enterprise configuration might be 2-5+ processing nodes that run Proxmox and all of your virtual machines with all of the data stored on a dedicated SAN with all of your backups stored to a NAS. With this kind of configuration, you can customize each piece to its ideal purpose. Invest in fast processing and lots of RAM for the nodes and more (faster) drives for your storage server. Moving virtual machines from one node to another is a simple task that requires no downtime.

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